




  1. Integrity -We operate with honesty and integrity without compromising the truth.
  2. Respect – We demonstrate an appreciation to help others and to show respect to our beneficiaries, also to each other as GENTS.
  3. Passion – We value passion, determination, perseverance, and the sense of urgency.
  4. Quality – We Give our beneficiaries always the best with unmatched results for total satisfaction.
  5. Service Excellence – We are committed to service and achieving excellence each day.
  6. Involved Members – We offer a environment where opportunity to serve, openness, enthusiasm, diversity, teamwork, accountability and a sense of purpose exist. We provide a rewarding personal and professional experience that promotes fairness, dignity and a great social outlet for all SDS GENTS.
  7. We honor God in all we do and serve Him, by serving others!

Together we can make a difference.


Mission Statement

The SDS (Support Determines Success) GENTS are an elite group of men that were invited to come together to make a real difference in the lives of others.  To provide assistance to someone that may need a helping hand. Our mission is to help as many as we can! 



Upcoming events





What's Happening

The SDS GENTS became associated with the organization United Friends To Feed The Homeless 6 years ago and we’ve had a dual role from day one.
They actually provide a full meal for the homeless population in South Dallas once a month, and have a major feeding for this less fortunate group of people the Saturday before Thanksgiving and the meals consist of (the works) each year.
The dual role mentioned above is providing financial support as well as serving in whatever capacity needed, from serving tables to dumping trash.
I could go on, but I’m out of time!
Just another way of giving back for the SDS GENTS.


The SDS Gents were humbled when we were allowed to replace the seniors old TV with a brand new flat screen. That donation made us happy as well.
So, from that moment our organization and the seniors at Corner Street Sr Center have bonded so much, so, until now for the last 4 or 5 years maybe longer, we do a Funday with them yearly.
This consist of feeding them, dancing, singing, playing cards, dominoes among other board games with them. Just good FUN!
This is just SDS GENTS giving back to our sometimes forgotten senior citizens.




Bennie Hicks,I want to reach out and congratulate the SDS Gents for their past overwhelming successes within the dance community. The well-attended dance events you have sponsored throughout the past years culminating in the major, supreme, exquisite event ending the year captivates the minds and bodies of those in attendance. And once again for your efforts in presenting laptops and awarding scholarships to beginning college students. The outstanding commitment for community service with feeding the homeless and supporting nursing home patients is an outstanding gesture for helping those in need.Spreading your 501 c wings to support the HBCU Paul Quinn College is a prideful moment for me and the Pro-Duffers Southwest Chapter Foster Kidd Foundation. We as with the College applaud the work you are doing. We look forward to a long and “Empowering” relationship with The SDS Gents and its leadership. The best of luck and good fortune Bennie Hicks and the SDS Gents. It’s my sincere pleasure to know you and truly appreciate the work the SDS Gents have done and will do.Past National President, Emeritus Pro-Duffers USA, Inc.Founding Member Pro-Duffers National Foundation (501c3)Past Chapter President Pro-Duffers Southwest ChapterBoard of Directors: The Foster Kidd Foundation (501c3)

Thomas H. Sweeney Jr.

The SDS Gents truly believes in service within our community and teamwork, inter/intra cooperation and moving together towards a common vision. I’ve also had the pleasure to attend several years of their Annual SwingOut Outreach Ball and witnessing their dedication and details of the planning process is absolutely amazing. It is always a complete success and so incredibly FUN!!!

Charlotte Turner

I am pleased to have this opportunity to express my thoughts and admiration for this group of gentlemen activists. What stands out are examples of their dedication to our community. Most notably, outreach to Seniors in community centers and nursing homes, coordinating services and food for our homeless citizens, back to school drives, promoting health awareness, annual toy drive and support of our youth via scholarships.In addition to these and many other philanthropic endeavors, they host some of the most enjoyable soirees  and a formal Outreach Charity Ball where the dance community of DFW and out of state visitors come to share the love of swing dance and fellowship.My support goes back to the SDS Gents’ inception and I’m very excited to see what the future holds for this amazing group of men.God’s Blessings to the SDS Gents and their families.

Jacquelyn Bowens Hubbard

They are Gentlemen of Distinction for Sure.I have had the pleasure of knowing and working one on one with Bennie Hicks and Stanley Polk numerous times and each encounter has been phenomenal.Upon meeting the Gents I was truly impressed seeing strong African American men coming together for a great purpose of serving the Community.I have also had the pleasure of attending numerous events of the SDS Gents over the years, each one has been detailed oriented, had a strong purpose & it was enjoyable.The Gents are welcoming, caring, kind and loving. The personal demeanor of all Gents make them a special unique group. They have found a way to allow each Gent to shine in their own way, yet they remain a strong unit. They care for the Community and they show it by giving and honoring others.They believe in family. Recently they held a Community Cookout Event and it was a Family Affair. It was a Cookout highlighting the Perry Daniels Scholarship Fundraiser, showing that they care about our youth of today. Over the years they have always presented events like this one with great success.Every year my family, friends and I look forward to their Annual Ball. They have set a standard that we appreciate and admire; causing us not to miss the Balls. They have created an atmosphere of Elegance, Class and Style, while sharing the importance of Community and informing the attendees of various accomplishments they have reached over the year. One example is the Toy Drive that they have been doing for 8 years now.The SDS Gents makes everyone feel special and valuable when you are in their presence. They are creating a lifelong difference in Communities & in those that they serve.Support Determines Success & the Gents are making it happen!

Karen Crimiel

There is absolutely nothing like attending an SDS Gents dance event. They’re always classy and fun. Each and every Gent is always kind and gentlemanly.They always make sure each and every lady in the rooms feels like a queen. If you like to dance, they will ensure you get a dance.Covid changed the landscape of the dance community so I scaled back quite a bit. But I never miss an opportunity to attend an SDS Gents event. I’ve attended at least 5 Annual Balls; if I tell you each year gets better and better, that’s an understatement at best. The venues are amazing, the entertainment stimulating, and the food is delicious.As a breast cancer survivor myself, it is an honor to attend their annual breast cancer event each year. It means a lot to me for these guys to honor us, survivors, in such a nice way. Thank you SDS Gents for caring.What I love most about these gentlemen is it’s not all about partying and having a good time. They genuinely care about the community and give back every chance they get (e.g., annual toy drive).I am honored to know them and look forward to many more years to come of fun-filled events with a splash of love, care, and concern for others.

Yvette Richmond

I became a fan of the Gents about 8 years ago! I have always admired their attributes of Gentlemen Quality; by the way they carry themselves. They would ensure that all the Ladies got a chance to dance, if they wanted too.When I attended the 1st Outreach Ball, I enjoyed it so much that I have made it a point to attend every one of them! The Classy, Sophistication, and Upscale Event are one of a kind in the Dance Community!All of the Gents Outreach Efforts in the DFW area, such as Toy drives, Domestic Violence and Breast Cancer Awareness, Back to School Drives, Fans for the seniors, and many other outreach activities are to be commended!I am proud to know you all#Respect #Blessings

Angela Marie Taylor

There is absolutely nothing like attending an SDS Gents dance event. They’re always classy and fun. Each and every Gent is always kind and gentlemanly.They always make sure each and every lady in the rooms feels like a queen. If you like to dance, they will ensure you get a dance.Covid changed the landscape of the dance community so I scaled back quite a bit. But I never miss an opportunity to attend an SDS Gents event. I’ve attended at least 5 Annual Balls; if I tell you each year gets better and better, that’s an understatement at best. The venues are amazing, the entertainment stimulating, and the food is delicious.As a breast cancer survivor myself, it is an honor to attend their annual breast cancer event each year. It means a lot to me for these guys to honor us, survivors, in such a nice way. Thank you SDS Gents for caring.What I love most about these gentlemen is it’s not all about partying and having a good time. They genuinely care about the community and give back every chance they get (e.g., annual toy drive).I am honored to know them and look forward to many more years to come of fun-filled events with a splash of love, care, and concern for others.Rating:

Yvette Richmond

I’ve attended several events and I have been impressed with each one. Their events are constantly classy and the food and music makes each event that much more enjoyable. I look forward to all of their events because it is sure to please.

Carolyn Edmondson

Tulsa Oklahoma

Serving by helping
